Time Chunking — Hacking Your Daily Productivity

Will Greenwood
2 min readJan 29, 2023


I am big on productivity, I have to be when I have at work I run three companies social media, support the marketing of a forth and run two youtube channels and a website. Outside of work I run two youtube channels and (when time allows) write blog post (admittedly next to none will see the light of day).

I have been trying since sixth form to get the most out of my time and I have been improving. However recently I have been trying new ideas and this is where the time chunking method comes in.

What is the time chunking method?

It is where you divide the day into ‘chunks’ of 20–30 minites and dedicate yourself to a specific task.

By doing so I can refocus myself and keep on task (helpful for readers who have attention issues) and can get through a lot of tasks in a day. I can assign more chunks to difficult tasks that need it, as a result I have to prioritise tasks If you need a hand with prioritising tasks, the Eisenhower method might help. — ( here is a video explaining it https://www.youtube.com/shorts/xiNVXoQF1MM).

How do you implement it into your scedule?

time chunking example in outlooks calandar

The above is an example of time chunking be implemented.

When I do this I also add things prior to nine to say if I am in the office, or needing to commute somewhere on that day.

Breaks and lunch also should be added. In addition, it is essential you stick to this as closely as possible. A way to adjust to this new way of timetabling your day is with breaks and lunches (lets be honest, this should be easy to stick to). Adding an end of day block will allow for finishing tasks and creating a healthy work life balance.

I recomend this to anyone who has a busy schedule, in the work place and those studying (this can be adapted fairly easy to revision and studying).



Will Greenwood
Will Greenwood

Written by Will Greenwood


Writing about marketing and business. I am a Digital Marketing Msc Graduate from the University of Brighton. With an interest in marketing and business strategy

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